Amazon Reviews Are Dead ($2Mill/Month Seller Reveals All)

Fellow member shares her 3 step mega secret for 1st time
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Hi 17

OMG, we have a HUGE Amazon update that levels up the playing surface for ANYONE wanting to buld huge sources of passive income.

Remember what they told us, that the key to ranking on 1st page of Amazon is having hundreds of solid reviews for your product.

Well that's OLD NEWS. If you're doing it, it's almost a complete waste of time. STOP NOW!

How do we know this?

We have a fellow member who's now doing 2 Mill/month in sales on Amazon (you read that right, 2 x seven figures every single month!)

Click Here to Sign Up for Our Emergency Amazon Training Session

She has been using a simple 3 step formula no one else is using and it's making her buckets of passive income streams you would not believe!

And as a thank you Roger and I for helping her on her journey, she's agreed to share her formula with you...

Click Here to Meet the 2 Mill/Month Amazon Earner and Discover:

Her exact 3 step formula she uses to rank on the first page of Amazon FAST (no need for crazy amounts of reviews)
How she finds TONS of products that resell like hotcakes on Amazon (exclusive insights you won't find anywhere else)
The secret tool she uses to dig for gold on Amazon and profit wildly (her secret 2mill/month sauce)
How even a newbie who has never done Amazon before can make a quick 6 figure a year pay
A new search algorithm that when understood can create massive windfall of Amazon Sales

And so much more!

Click here now and join us for this life changing training

Everything will be revealed.. Nothing left behind.


Barry and Roger

PS: If you are an Amazon skeptic like we once were, then how about discovering a 7 instant windfall amazon strategy that will make you
the quickest fortune online, and will open your eyes to the INSANITY of this strategy?

Ready to profit wildly within 7 days with the easiest Amazon windfall you will ever see?

Then, Click Here Now to Allow the 2 Mill/Month Amazon Winner Share With You Her Secret

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[24 Hr Replay] 200 sales + Zero Cost Traffic = 1.5k in a Day?

Hurry, filling up (1.5k/day formula)
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Hi 17

If you missed Thursday's training and would like to make 200 sales + over 1.5k in pocket starting Today...

Using crazy TRAFFIC sources and strategies no one else out there is using...

...Then make sure to Click Here Now and Watch the Replay (coming down later today)

Members last week went nuts for this and so will you, because...

You're going to get your hands on a "copy and paste" blueprint you're going to want to execute immediately!

This is totally newbie friendly and...

* You don't need to spend a dime on traffic to make this work

* It's viral. We're talking about avelanches of traffic...

Ready to start making 200+ sales in a day?

Then Click Here Now to Watch the Limited Replay


Barry and Roger 

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4-8 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AQ, British Isles

[Only Encore Starting Now] 200 sales + Zero Cost Traffic = 1.5k in a Day?

Hurry, filling up (1.5k/day formula)
If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.

Hi 17

If you missed Thursday's training and would like to make 200 sales + over 1.5k in pocket starting Today...

Using crazy TRAFFIC sources and strategies no one else out there is using...

...Then make sure to Click Here Now and Sign up for Today's Live Encore

Members last week went nuts for this and so will you, because...

You're going to get your hands on a "copy and paste" blueprint you're going to want to execute immediately!

This is totally newbie friendly and...

* You don't need to spend a dime on traffic to make this work

* It's viral. We're talking about avelanches of traffic...

Ready to start making 200+ sales in a day?

Watch us do this live today on the one and only encore, 3pm EST

Click Here Now


Barry and Roger 

This email was sent to by

4-8 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AQ, British Isles

[Live and Final Encore Today] 200 sales + Zero Cost Traffic = 1.5k in a Day?

Here's how you make 1.5k in the next 24 hrs...
If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.

Hi 17

If you missed Thursday's training and would like to make 200 sales + over 1.5k in pocket starting Today...

Using crazy TRAFFIC sources and strategies no one else out there is using...

...Then make sure to Click Here Now and Sign up for Today's Live Encore

Members last week went nuts for this and so will you, because...

You're going to get your hands on a "copy and paste" blueprint you're going to want to execute immediately!

This is totally newbie friendly and...

* You don't need to spend a dime on traffic to make this work

* It's viral. We're talking about avelanches of traffic...

Ready to start making 200+ sales in a day?

Watch us do this live today on the one and only encore, 3pm EST

Click Here Now


Barry and Roger 

This email was sent to by

4-8 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AQ, British Isles

[Starting Now, Filling Up] Zero Cost Traffic +____ = 1.5k in a Day?

Join Us Asap Before We Max Out
If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.

Hi 17

OMG our mass zero cost traffic + sales formula training is starting and we are maxing out fast!

Click Here Now to Join Us Live Asap

How would you like to be able to make 200 sales + over 1.5k in pocket starting Today?

What if you could do that using completely free traffic no one out there is using?

Join Us Live Now to Follow This Copy and Paste Formula

You're going to get your hands on a "copy and paste" blueprint you're going to want to execute immediately!

This is totally newbie friendly and...

* You don't need to spend a dime on traffic to make this work

* It's viral. We're talking about avelanches of traffic...

Ready to start making 200+ sales in a day?

Watch us do this live today.

Click Here to Join Us Live Now (filling up fast)


Barry and Roger 

This email was sent to by

4-8 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AQ, British Isles

[Case Study Inside] 200 sales + Zero Cost Traffic = 1.5k in a Day?

Here's how you make 1.5k in the next 24 hrs...
If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.

Hi 17

How would you like to be able to make 200 sales + over 1.5k in pocket starting Today?

What if you could do that using completely free traffic no one out there is using?

Get ready today for a training that will turn you overnight into an ecommerce/sales genius!

Click Here Now to Sign For Today's Crazy Event

You're going to get your hands on a "copy and paste" blueprint you're going to want to execute immediately!

This is totally newbie friendly and...

* You don't need to spend a dime on traffic to make this work

* It's viral. We're talking about avelanches of traffic...

Ready to start making 200+ sales in a day?

Watch us do this live today.

Click Here Now

Please Note: This is going to be packed. Please make sure to sign up asap and join us on time to grab your seat.


Barry and Roger 

This email was sent to by

4-8 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AQ, British Isles

[Formula Inside] Instant Online Sales + Crazy Cheap Traffic (Newbie Friendly!)

Filling up, sign ups asap
If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.

Hi 17

Boy have we got a surprise for you coming up tomorrow.

We're going to show you how to get 0.03 cent razor targeted clicks to make instant sales online.

Plus, you're going to get your very own website just for joining us tomorrow. This is insane!

Click Here Now to Sign Up For This Special Event


If you'd like to make  ton of overnight sales and drive free and dirt cheap traffic non stop...

Then make sure to sign up aap for tomorrow's training by Clicking Here Now


Barry and Roger

This email was sent to by

4-8 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AQ, British Isles