Important... a Major bug has been just found in almost ALL link cloakers... they break responsive sites!
WP Linkshield found that EVERY single link cloaker tested broke responsive sites...
No Joke!... & considering that 60% of us use mobile devices nowadays ...
that's a HUGE problem & a huge amount of profit lost.
If you're not cloaking links you are not safe either , you are leaving up to 30% of sales on the table through, affiliate theft, browser switching & social blocking...
Before I explain that I need to explain cloaking modes...
There are 2 main cloaking modes -
1 REDIRECT CLOAKING - this is most common type - you get a new URL & it redirects to the original URL - problem here is... this doesn't hide your affiliate ID & you lose money if the user switches browsers or shares the raw link
2 IFRAME CLOAKING - with this method the URL never changes & the destination page is loaded in an IFRAME - so your affiliate ID is never exposed & you don't lose money through browser switching...
Iframing is great for affiliates as you can overlay messages, you can kick exit pops - it gives you a lot more control & reduced commission losses However the vendors of cloaking tools have never looked at what happens when users open responsive sites in iframe mode - the answer is RESPONSIVE SITES BREAK! This boils down to BAD CODING ...
WP Link Shield 2.0 protects your affiliate links, makes your links look natural, allows you to post them socially with full metas & maximizes your affiliate income - a no brainer for ALL affiliate marketers