● FHL 2015 Recordings (Value: $697)
● FHL 2016 Recordings (Value: $997)
● FHL 2017 Recordings (Value: $997)
● FHL 2018 Recordings (Value: $997)
● FHL 2019 Recordings (Value: $997)
● PLUS… the NOTES from 2015,16,17,18, and 19… all 430 pages (Value: $497)
◦ H.I.P.P.E.R. Sales Scripts and Training (how to sell ANYTHING in the most effective, persuasive way possible!)
◦ Funnel Freedom (how he was able to visit 30 countries with his kids while his funnels were on autopilot paying for everything!)
◦ "Design Hacking" video deep dive! (how to make your funnels visually-engineered to CONVERT) (Value: $147)
◦ Strategic Seduction - an 8-hour intensive training where Garrett teaches you the frame that helps funnels make sense (Value: $997)
◦ Heather's signature 14-Day Challenge "Level Up and Get What You Want Out Of Your Life" (Get crystal clear on what you really want, without wasting time, setting yourself up for failure, or feeling alone!) (Value: $197)
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◦ Learn the 3 secrets you need to increase your conversions as a brick and mortar business (Value: $297)
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◦ A one-hour training walking you through the Mastermind funnel and exactly how to use it, what to put in it and how to promote it. ($997 Value)
◦ A breakdown of Dan's secret traffic source that you didn't know you already had, and how to leverage it! ($997 Value)
◦ PLUS, a case study of how to transition from a $997 product to a $5,000 product (and how it dramatically increased sales, while eliminating virtually all refunds, chargebacks, and piracy!)
◦ The Alcohol Experiment 30-Day Challenge - Where you can free yourself from the shackles of addiction so you can get back to focusing on what matters! ($197 Value)
● Gabe Schillinger's Bonus!
◦ Cart Closing Case Study which walks you through the EXACT same cart closing strategy Gabe used to generate 200k in ONE WEEK
◦ The Cold Email Hack which consistently generates tens of thousands of leads! ($247 value)