At the end, I gave everyone a secret link to a private meeting that I wanted to invite you to… If you missed the link, here it is real quick:
By the time you are reading this, I will be on a plane to Arizona, where I'll spend some time with 3 of my favorite people - Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Jenna Kutcher...
The four of us will be doing a huge
CRAZY LIVE online training tonight...
(Seriously, I don't think there's been this large of a live training EVER before, and I'm so excited! As of this morning, there are already 450,000+ people registered… 🤯)
On the training, Tony and Dean will be talking first, and then I'll come out to share some really personal stories, like the day my education FAILED me…
See, school was really tough for me.
I didn't do a great job on assignments.
I was terrible at paying attention.
I struggled the whole way through high school, and even into college. I hated it.
But I remember my parents telling me that I had to get an education, so that I could get a job…
And then came Graduation Day…
I sat in my funny-looking cap and gown, and that's when it HIT ME HARD…
Everyone was so excited, and I couldn't help but think…
Oh my gosh… I just went through my entire college education…
I got a degree that says I learned how to do something…
But I have NO actual skills. And my degree isn't going to actually get me a real job.
College didn't teach me anything!
But while I was going to school, thank goodness I had the sense to educate MYSELF.
I started learning from mentors, like Mark Joyner, and Armand Morin, and others who had already figured this "marketing" stuff out...
I got to learn directly from the sources…
It was self-education (not school) that completely changed my life.
That's why I want you to be on tonight's online training…
Tonight, Tony, Dean, Jenna, and I are going to share with you how to take all the knowledge, skill-sets, and God-given talent that you have, and transform it into a business that creates massive impact!
It's a totally FREE value-packed training, and it's going to be amazing!
So here's a recap of what you need to do...
Join Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Jenna Kutcher, and myself tonight at 8:00pm Eastern (New York Time).
We'll be talking about how to take the knowledge and skills you already have, and turning it into a business that will change the lives of the people you've been called to serve!
See you there!