I just went LIVE with a story I’ve never shared before…

Catch it before it gets pulled down!
As you guys know, I got to hang out with Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins this past week, which was AMAZING! 

But there's actually a crazy backstory behind how this whole thing happened that I've NEVER shared before… 

… until this Facebook LIVE where I spilled EVERYTHING. 

(I even tried to keep some things a surprise, but I got too excited and spoiled it ha ha!)  

The LIVE won't stay up forever, and the INSANE training I got to do with Dean and Tony is getting pulled down on Sunday... so be sure to check everything out ASAP! 

Here's where to start… 

Step #2 - Watch the replay of the webinar where Tony, Dean, and I dig deep and teach you the fastest way to become an expert using the knowledge you already have! 

But you'd better hurry… I just found out that they're pulling the replay down Sunday night!

Russell Brunson
P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away... 
© Etison LLC 
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[Replay Inside] Last night was INSANE!

Don't worry, I'll catch you up…
Nothing fully prepares you for doing a LIVE training for the 462,000 people who registered, while sitting in between two of your biggest mentors…

Sure, we had done a walkthrough earlier in the day, but when it came time for us to go live, my mind was still RACING… 

But suddenly, when the camera turned on, I could only think about ONE thing… 


Then and there, I challenged myself to provide as much value as I possibly could during my time on screen. 


Because I really believe that all of you have an amazing story to tell and message to share. 

I also believe that the program we announced last night, Knowledge Broker Blueprint, will help you spread that message further and faster than anything else out there… 
If you're ready to learn how to earn money with the knowledge you ALREADY have while creating a massive impact on the people you serve, here's what you need to do… 
Step #1 - Catch the replay of the INSANE training Tony Robbins, Dean Grosiozi, and I did last night NOW
Step #2 - Get my four AMAZING bonuses (including the exact plan I use to run the Inner Circle) when you invest in Knowledge Broker Blueprint! 

Be SURE to clear your cookies before purchasing so you can secure these exclusive bonuses! 
Russell Brunson
P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away... 
© Etison LLC 
By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. You are solely responsible for the use of any content and hold Etison LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim.

If you purchase anything through a link in this email, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Copyright © 2018+ Etison LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Our mailing address is: 3443 W Bavaria Street, Eagle, ID, 83616

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3443 W Bavaria St Eagle, ID 83616

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the day my education FAILED me… (true story)

Late last night I went live to tell the story about the day that my education FAILED me… did you have a chance to see it?  

If not, it's still posted here for the next few hours: 
At the end, I gave everyone a secret link to a private meeting that I wanted to invite you to… If you missed the link, here it is real quick:

By the time you are reading this, I will be on a plane to Arizona, where I'll spend some time with 3 of my favorite people - Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Jenna Kutcher... 

The four of us will be doing a huge CRAZY LIVE online training tonight...

(Seriously, I don't think there's been this large of a live training EVER before, and I'm so excited! As of this morning, there are already 450,000+ people registered… ๐Ÿคฏ)

On the training, Tony and Dean will be talking first, and then I'll come out to share some really personal stories, like the day my education FAILED me…

See, school was really tough for me.  

I didn't do a great job on assignments.  

I was terrible at paying attention.  

I struggled the whole way through high school, and even into college. I hated it.    

But I remember my parents telling me that I had to get an education, so that I could get a job…

And then came Graduation Day…

I sat in my funny-looking cap and gown, and that's when it HIT ME HARD…

Everyone was so excited, and I couldn't help but think…

Oh my gosh… I just went through my entire college education…

I got a degree that says I learned how to do something…

But I have NO actual skills. And my degree isn't going to actually get me a real job. 

College didn't teach me anything 

But while I was going to school, thank goodness I had the sense to educate MYSELF.  

I started learning from mentors, like Mark Joyner, and Armand Morin, and others who had already figured this "marketing" stuff out...  

I got to learn directly from the sources…

It was self-education (not school) that completely changed my life.  

That's why I want you to be on tonight's online training…

Tonight, Tony, Dean, Jenna, and I are going to share with you how to take all the knowledge, skill-sets, and God-given talent that you have, and transform it into a business that creates massive impact!  

It's a totally FREE value-packed training, and it's going to be amazing!  

So here's a recap of what you need to do...

Join Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Jenna Kutcher, and myself tonight at 8:00pm Eastern (New York Time).  

We'll be talking about how to take the knowledge and skills you already have, and turning it into a business that will change the lives of the people you've been called to serve!

See you there!

Russell Brunson
P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away... 
© Etison LLC 
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3443 W Bavaria St Eagle, ID 83616

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Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Persyaratan Layanan yang telah diperbarui

Kami menyempurnakan Persyaratan Layanan kami untuk membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami. Perubahan ini akan mulai berlaku pada 31 Maret 2020, dan tidak akan memengaruhi cara Anda menggunakan layanan Google.
Untuk detail selengkapnya, kami telah menyiapkan ringkasan perubahan penting dan Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ). Secara sekilas, berikut arti perubahan ini bagi Anda:
Dokumen yang lebih mudah dipahami: Meskipun Persyaratan kami tetap merupakan dokumen hukum, kami berupaya sebaik mungkin untuk membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami, termasuk dengan memberikan definisi dan menyertakan link ke informasi yang bermanfaat.
Komunikasi yang lebih baik: Kami akan menyampaikan secara jelas kapan kami akan melakukan perubahan pada layanan kami (seperti menambahkan atau menghapus fitur) dan membatasi atau mengakhiri akses pengguna. Kami akan melakukan upaya lebih untuk memberi tahu Anda apabila perubahan yang kami lakukan berdampak buruk terhadap pengalaman Anda dengan layanan kami.
Menambahkan Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS, dan Google Drive ke Persyaratan: Persyaratan kami yang telah diperbarui sekarang mencakup Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS, dan Google Drive, yang juga memiliki persyaratan dan kebijakan layanannya masing-masing untuk membantu Anda memahami hal yang unik dari layanan tersebut.
Tidak ada perubahan pada Kebijakan Privasi: Kami tidak melakukan perubahan apa pun pada Kebijakan Privasi Google dan belum melakukan perubahan apa pun terkait cara kami memperlakukan informasi Anda. Sebagai pengingat, Anda dapat membuka Akun Google untuk meninjau setelan privasi Anda dan mengelola bagaimana data Anda digunakan.
Jika Anda adalah wali dari anak dengan usia di bawah yang disyaratkan untuk mengelola Akun Google sendiri dan Anda menggunakan Family Link untuk mengelola penggunaan layanan Google olehnya, harap perhatikan bahwa saat Anda menyetujui Persyaratan baru kami, Anda juga melakukannya atas nama anak Anda, dan sebaiknya luangkan waktu untuk mendiskusikan perubahan ini dengannya. Perhatikan bahwa jika Anda menyetujui Persyaratan baru kami dan mengizinkan anak Anda menggunakan layanan kami, Anda mungkin akan bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas anak Anda di layanan tersebut.
Dan tentu saja, jika Anda tidak setuju dengan Persyaratan baru kami dan apa yang dapat kita harapkan dari satu sama lain saat Anda menggunakan layanan kami, Anda dapat mencari informasi lebih lanjut tentang opsi yang dapat Anda pilih di Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ).
Terima kasih telah menggunakan layanan Google.
Hormat kami, Tim Google