1) The simpler the funnel the easier it is to tweak each component to hyper-optimize everything.
2) Email follow-up is key to converting the majority of people who don't buy or book a call. I've been sending an email a day for about 8 years now.
The more emails I send, the more money I make.
3) Retargeting ads are a must, prospects are bombarded so make sure you add retargeting to maximize staying on top of mind awareness.
Many people will say they "See my Funnels" everywhere and hence they decided to pull the trigger to work with me to scale.
4) Pricing = profits. My offers start from 12.5k and go to over 100K+.
The more profits you can create/stash/save the more confidence you can have in allocating it into other asset classes or diversifying your traffic.
Pricing creates power inside of you to hire the best, be able to make mistakes - yes you will make stupid mistakes but if you have a lot of cash
5) Less is more in times of uncertainty and times where you need to adapt.
6) I decided to double down on my email list after I had interviewed Russell Brunson for my YouTube videos the year before and he had shared that changes are coming in the marketplace and they are scaling up the lead gen.
Then I interview the CEO of ClickFunnels - Dave Woodward, then I interviewed the head of John Parkes, ClickFunnels Head of Traffic Division.
They all had one core underlying theme; Use Sales Funnels to build your list.
7) The game is the follow-up. Prospects are bombarded. Follow-up with text, phone, WhatsApp, direct mail, DMs, in person if you have to. Do whatever it takes to follow-up.
When you follow-up relentlessly your prospects also have more trust that you'll deliver and be able to help them.
I had one guy who paid me in Bitcoin this month and my team had followed up with him for nearly a year.
8) That reminds me he came into my world by simply typing in my domain name. Get an easy to remember domain name that positions you as an authority.
9) Learning to own your intelligence and think things through.
You must play your own lane, with your own rules. Create your own rules and play with them.
Too many times when new clients come, and they are struggling it's often they are GURU FIED too much, which is they follow 20 different gurus with 20 different pieces of advice.
10) Keep the Funnel hacking classy.
Stealing word for word people's work is not cool. Just today I saw someone who's asking me for 1 year to do a podcast, had swiped my funnels, my designs, my copy, my pictures LOL.
11) Care less about what people think – they aren't paying your bills and tbh you aren't that important that people will be thinking about you all the time, so relieve the pressure to need to impress someone.
When clients enroll in our high ticket offers, 80% is mental baggage and head trash.
12) Leverage comes from great product, great team, great cash reserves and execution, and massive leverage comes from YouTube traffic.
Do YouTube traffic. Seriously.
13) Have cash, lots of it, learn to be a rainmaker so you can have cash.
Cash will give you confidence and the ability to take things fast(er) or slow.
14) Pay for shortcuts when someone has the results you want.
You'll either pay by spending your time or paying with money. When you pay, you pay attention. I never met someone that said I just read this thing and then I went to build this unstoppable business.
15) Become a great leader. Almost all the people who build something great are great leaders.
This is a developed skill in most cases.
16) Delegate low leverage activities that someone else can do so you can build on your Unique Ability and be focused on your zone of genius.
17) Eat your client's complexity. This is something my mentor who sold over $300M worth of digital courses shared with me earlier on when I started in the industry.
In my own business, we help clients create high ticket offers with automated funnels. We eat their complexity by flat out giving them done for you funnels + traffic campaigns because they seem to get stuck on these things.
18) Organic Traffic is profitable, great but for scale, you need paid traffic to exponentially scale. Still do both.
19) This sounds simple but DEVELOPING RESILIENCE is needed. Mental toughness is required.
Blunt truth; too many entrepreneurs get hurt too quickly and take things too personally.
20) Your quality of team and clients will determine the quality of your life. If you have a team you don't like - you attracted them.
21) As you grow your success. Don't get your net worth tied up in money or external things such as cars, mansions, comparing yourself to your rich friends.
22) Don't get too nitty-gritty on tools or working in the business, zoom out and ask for help from people who have got the results you want.
Sometimes it means to drop the ego, and become a "student" again, the people who are learning machines are the growth-minded entrepreneurs.
Ask yourself "WHO" can come and help instead of you banging your head trying to figure it out.
23) Distractions and eliminating interruptions must be a daily focus. If it's not the main thing, cut it off."