it's an industry wide problem...
Google penalise you for it, big time!
and most site owners either ignore the problem, don't know how to fix it, or simply don't know it exists...
What am I talking about..?
Your site load speed!
According to KissMetrics if your site is taking just 5 seconds to load then you're losing over 35% of your visitors, before they even get to see what your site has to offer!
AND Google will punish your site, pushing it down in the rankings and losing you even more vital free traffic...
But it's so easy to fix, if you know how...
The quickest and easiest way to make Google fall in love with your site is to make it load lightning fast!
The good news is you don't need to anymore...
The brand new Rapid Ranker plugin will improve your load speed right out of the box, without you even needing to fiddle around with settings!
Rapid Ranker speeds up your site without changing any of your content or how your site looks & feels!
Talk Soon,